Monday, November 14, 2011

Coming soon to the Archdiocese of Vancouver: Deacons!

Archbishop J. Michael Miller, CSB, the Archbishop of Vancouver announced earlier this year that, following the recommendations of a recent Archdiocesan Synod and other consultative processes, he was restoring the diaconate as a permanent ministry within the Archdiocese.  You can read more about his announcement, as well as a link to his pastoral letter on the diaconate, here

This is always an exciting time for an diocesan church, and yet it is also a time of some confusion and uncertainty.  Ultimately, it is a time of extraordinary faith and hope: the willingness to set out into waters that are as yet uncharted in that diocese, the recognition that a new group of ordained ministers who are not priests will be entering the official service of the People of God, and the courage to face whatever challenges develop as they happen with the conviction of the ongoing presence and action of the Holy Spirit to guide them through it.

As I type these words, I'm sitting at an airport gate in California awaiting my flights to Vancouver.  I've been invited by Archbishop Miller to come to Vancouver and spend two days with the priests of the Archdiocese talking about the diaconate.  I'll also be spending some time with the brand new group of aspirants to the diaconate, as they meet with the priests on Tuesday evening.  I'm honored to be a part of the "launching" of this new adventure in the life of their local Church.

Please keep all of them (and your humble blogger!) in your prayers.


  1. Not only will they have deacons, but--as evidenced by their choice of consultant--they will have the deacons Vatican II envisioned. Beautiful! (And worth waiting for.)

  2. Great news, especially at a time when some dioceses seem to be ramping down the diaconate. Kudos to Abp Miller for the consultative way he is going about this. Bringing you in to talk to the priests and aspirants and then bringing those two groups together. Simple, yet brilliant. Deacons: gift, not threat! May God bless your journey!

  3. It is really impressive that the Archbishop is going about this the way he is — heeding the archdiocesan synod and consulting others, then preparing the presbyterate for it.

    word verification: fighta — huh?

  4. Been to Vancouver once. Beautiful city. Now I have a reason to go there again!

    Deacon Norb in Ohio

  5. It is very encoraging to see the church grow in that area. Kudos and prayers to all involved in the process!!
